Green Park, Lisburn
The construction of 24 dwellings off the main Belsize and Wilmar Road. The development included the formation of foundations for all proposed houses including piling and trench filed substructures, road infrastructure was laid out including sub-base and a drainage network including utility supplies.
Each house was built using pre-cast/ground bearing floors, traditional cavity wall construction, and timber first floor and trussed roof with construction of a gabion boundary wall in designated areas. External landscaping was completed in agreement with the client and end users with boundary treatment and construction of a new post and wire fencing system with new walled frontage.
The project commenced in October 2012 and was completed on a sectional basis due to the economic downturn affecting the residential sector, houses were completed in batches dependant on demand and sale of the property (although this was not as per the tender we worked with the client and design team to successfully handover all houses without incident). Each house was occupied following completion and handover which increased risk and safety issues during the contract particularly reflecting hazards on a live working site in close proximity to others including small children.
Adequate safety measures were implemented to eliminate risk were possible and safe access, egress and working areas were set up to prevent unauthorised access.