Bagenal’s Castle, Newry

Restoration of mid-19th century bakery wrapped around a 16th century castle as a new Museum and Tourist Information Centre. The existing building posed significant issues including a corrugated asbestos cement roof, harled cement walls and evident continual extension and alterations during previous use; as a scheduled monument the removal of all redundant elements was undertaken in conjunction with ongoing archaeological investigations to restore the castle and bakery to its original status.

The building is of significant historical interest as original plans and elevations still survive in the National Archives of the United Kingdom. During commencement and completion of work archaeologists attended site daily and confirmed the 1568 plans of the castle as accurate while monitoring construction work to ensure minimal impact on the original structure.

Programme of works was agreed with the client to accommodate archaeological investigations and ensure preservation of as much of the original building structure and fabric as possible. Following removal of redundant elements and commencement of construction work materials were selected in agreement with the design team to enhance the building structure using specialist materials and traditional craft.

Newry, Mourne and Down District Council
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