Pagabo Refit & Refurbishment Framework
Killowen Contracts Ltd are proud to partner with Pagabo on the Refit and Refurbishment Framework for projects up to £5million in value in three regions across Northern Ireland: Belfast, Outer Belfast and East of Northern Ireland.
On this Framework we work with public and private sector clients to deliver refit, restoration and refurbishment projects across all sectors.
With the focus on meeting net zero targets, many clients are becoming increasingly aware of the role refit and refurbishment will have on emissions across their assets and estates.
Killowen Contracts have extensive specialist experience of successfully improving, restoring and rejuvenating existing spaces, often delivering projects to tight timescales, and phasing and coordinating works to minimise disruption to client’s business operations.
Benefits to Clients:
- Quick and easy procurement
- Save time, resources and unnecessary processes
- Assurance your project will be delivered to the highest standards
- Local supply chain
- Value for money
- Opportunity to generate maximum positive social impact
- Assurance of our capacity, capability, accreditations and financial security
Read more about why and how you can use this Refit & Refurbishment Framework or get in touch to find out how we can be of assistance. Email Andrew Knapton andrew@killowencontracts.co.uk or call 028 4175 3378